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Welcome to my blog, hope you enjoy reading :)

Jumat, 18 Desember 2009

Arti Natal

Suatu ketika, ada seorang pria yang menganggap Natal sebagai sebuah takhayul belaka. Dia bukanlah orang yang kikir. Dia adalah pria yang baik hati dan tulus, setia kepada keluarganya dan bersih kelakuannya terhadap orang lain.

Tetapi ia tidak percaya pada kelahiran Kristus yang diceritakan setiap gereja di hari Natal. Dia sunguh-sungguh tidak percaya.

"Saya benar-benar minta maaf jika saya membuat kamu sedih," kata pria itu kepada istrinya yang rajin pergi ke gereja. "Tapi saya tidak dapat mengerti mengapa Tuhan mau menjadi manusia. Itu adalah hal yang tidak masuk akal bagi saya "

Pada malam Natal, istri dan anak-anaknya pergi menghadiri kebaktian tengah malam di gereja. Pria itu menolak untuk menemani mereka.

"Saya tidak mau menjadi munafik," jawabnya.

"Saya lebih baik tinggal di rumah. Saya akan menunggumu sampai pulang."

Tak lama setelah keluarganya berangkat, salju mulai turun. Ia melihat keluar jendela dan melihat butiran-butiran salju itu berjatuhan.

Lalu ia kembali ke kursinya di samping perapian dan mulai membaca surat kabar. Beberapa menit kemudian, ia dikejutkan oleh suara ketukan. Bunyi itu terulang tiga kali.

Ia berpikir seseorang pasti sedang melemparkan bola salju ke arah jendela rumahnya. Ketika ia pergi ke pintu masuk untuk mengeceknya, ia menemukan sekumpulan burung terbaring tak berdaya di salju yang dingin. Mereka telah terjebak dalam badai salju dan mereka menabrak kaca jendela ketika hendak mencari tempat berteduh.

Saya tidak dapat membiarkan makhluk kecil itu kedinginan di sini, pikir pria itu. Tapi bagaimana saya bisa menolong mereka? Kemudian ia teringat akan kandang tempat kuda poni anak-anaknya. Kandang itu pasti dapat memberikan tempat berlindung yang hangat. Dengan segera pria itu mengambil jaketnya dan pergi ke kandang kuda tersebut. Ia membuka pintunya lebar-lebar dan menyalakan lampunya. Tapi burung-burung itu tidak masuk ke dalam.

Makanan pasti dapat menuntun mereka masuk, pikirnya. Jadi ia berlari kembali ke rumahnya untuk mengambil remah-remah roti dan menebarkannya ke salju untuk membuat jejak ke arah kandang. Tapi ia sungguh terkejut. Burung-burung itu tidak menghiraukan remah roti tadi dan terus melompat-lompat kedinginan di atas salju.

Pria itu mencoba menggiring mereka seperti anjing menggiring domba, tapi justru burung-burung itu berpencaran kesana-kemari, malah menjauhi kandang yang hangat itu.

"Mereka menganggap saya sebagai makhluk yang aneh dan menakutkan," kata pria itu pada dirinya sendiri, "dan saya tidak dapat memikirkan cara lain untuk memberitahu bahwa mereka dapat mempercayai saya. Kalau saja saya dapat menjadi seekor burung selama beberapa menit, mungkin saya dapat membawa mereka pada tempat yang aman."

Pada saat itu juga, lonceng gereja berbunyi.

Pria itu berdiri tertegun selama beberapa waktu, mendengarkan bunyi lonceng itu menyambut

Natal yang indah. Kemudian dia terjatuh pada lututnya dan berkata,

"Sekarang saya mengerti," bisiknya dengan terisak.

"Sekarang saya mengerti mengapa KAU mau menjadi manusia."

Saudaraku, dengan jalan menjadi manusia-lah, Tuhan Yesus rela melalui jalan penderitaan hingga ke Kalvari lalu memberikan nyawa-Nya untuk menebus dosa semua manusia, anak-anak yang dikasihi-Nya, kita yang seharusnya mati didalam pelanggaran kitakini dapat hidup didalam Kasih Karunia-Nya yang ajaib.

mari sambut Kasih Kristus yang sudah teramat besar untuk kita...mari menjadi pelaku Firman dan bersinar di tengah-tengah dunia

"Karena begitu besar kasih Allah akan dunia ini, sehingga Ia telah mengaruniakan Anak-Nya yang tunggal, supaya setiap orang yang percaya kepada-Nya tidak binasa, melainkan beroleh hidup yang kekal."
English Version

One time, there was a man who thinks of Christmas as a superstition. He was not a miser. He is a man who is kind and sincere, loyal to his family and clean behavior toward others.

But he did not believe in the birth of Christ as told every church on Christmas day. He really did not believe it.

"I'm really sorry if I make you sad," the man said to his wife who diligently go to church. "But I can not understand why God would become human. That is something that does not make sense to me"

On Christmas Eve, his wife and his children went to the midnight service at church. The man refused to accompany them.

"I do not want to be hypocritical," he said.

"I'd rather stay at home. I'll wait until the home."

Shortly after the family left, the snow began to fall. He looked out the window and saw the snowflakes were falling.

Then she returned to her chair by the fireplace and began reading the newspaper. A few minutes later, he was startled by a knock. The sound was repeated three times.

He thought someone must have been throwing snowballs at house windows. When he went to the entrance to check, he found a collection of birds lay helpless on the cold snow. They have been trapped in a blizzard and they hit the glass window when to seek shelter.

I can not let the little creature was cold in here, he thought. But how can I help them? Then he remembered the barn where the ponies children. The cage must be able to provide a warm shelter. Immediately he took his jacket and went to the stables. He opened the door wide and turned on the lights. But the birds did not go into.

Food must be able to lead them in, he thought. So he ran back to his house to pick up crumbs and spread it into the snow to make tracks toward barn. But he was really surprised. The birds ignored the bread crumbs had and continue jumping over the cold snow.

He was trying to herd them like sheep herding dogs, but that the birds were scattered here and there, even away from the warm cage.

"They regard me as strange creatures and scary," he said to himself, "and I can not think of another way to tell that they can trust me. If only I could become a bird for a few minutes, maybe I can bring them in a safe place. "

At the same time, the church bells rang.

He stood stunned for a while, listening to the sound of bells welcomed

A beautiful Christmas. Then he fell on his knees and said,

"Now I understand," she whispered with a sob.

"Now I understand why YOU want to be human."

My brother, by becoming man is, the Lord Jesus through the suffering willingly to Calvary and gave His life to atone for the sins of all mankind, the children whom he loved, we are supposed to be dead in our transgressions are now able to live in Grace His magical.

let's welcome the love of Christ which was very big for us ... let's become perpetrators Word and shine in the midst of the world

JOHN 3:16
"For God so loved the world, that He gave His Son only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish but have eternal life."

Serba Serbi Alay

Karena mungkin efek sinetron atau apa saja yg mempengaruhi mental kita yg menjadi-jadi dan semakin
parah, mungkin ada diantara kita semua sifat2 dibawah ini:

1. selalu ngerasa paling tau tentang musik.

2. tongkrongannya di pinggir pinggir jalan (yang cewek godain cowok,yang cowok godain cewe yang lagi lewat)

3. kalo di mall selalu bawa headset buat dengerin lagu lewat handphone(suka pamer ga jelas & sok asik gitu deh). please deh, kan ada lagu2 yg d stel d mall
4. sok EMO tapi ditanya sejarahnya emo ga tau.
5. sok pengen ‘gaul’ mau ngikutin tren yang sekarang tapi LEBAY parah(cth: nge-mix baju ga kira kira ; baju ijo, celana kotak kotak, sepatu merah,kacamata biru! NORAK !)
6. dimana mana SELALU ada acara yg namanya ‘putu putu narziz’ (entah itu di sekolah, WC, mobil, kamar, stasiun, angkot,dll).
7. fotonya ga nahan smua! (dengan gaya di imut imutin,dideketin lampu biar ‘terang bgt’,fotodeket bgt dari wajah *biar jeleknya ga keliatan*,foto dari atas *biar kelihatan keren kali ya*,dll..pokoknya yang bisa bikin ENEG semua orang.kamera VGA aj sok sokan)

8. buat cewek tiap hari kerjaannya ngomongin ttg cowooooooooo mulu! (cth: eh tau ga si A tadi gini loh sama gue hahaha lucu bgt ya? *ga lucu!)
9. buat cowok..tiap hari kerjaannya cari musuh (ribut) mulu sama temen temen cowoknya yg lain *biar dianggep keren gitu*
10. di friendster.. bagi yang cewek di featurefriend nya majang cowok cowok ganteng semua *meski ga kenal,biar dianggep cantik & gaul* kalo yg cowok ya majang featurefriendnya cewek semua*walau ga kenal* biar dikata cowok ganteng. IH JIJAY!

11. suka ngirim bulbo ga jelas di fs :”akko onlenndh dcnniih” ato “ayokk perang cummendh cmma saiia” etc (paling parah lagi kalo ngirim bulbo dengan judul “BAJINGAN” tapi isinya kosong!) ih kampret bner deh tu orang orang alay.

13. kalo ada org yg cuman view profil kita , kita bilang gini : “hey cuman view nih?” ato “heey jgn cuman view doang,add dong! (kalo emang segitu pentingnya orang nge-ADD buat kita..kenapa kita ga nge-ADD dia waktu kita mau ngasih testi?)-__-

14. friendster dipenuhi glitter-glitter norak yang pastinya bisa ngerusak retina mata zz

15. kata /singkatan selalu diakhiri huruf z/s (cth : nama adalah talitra,dbuat jadi : talz. nama adalah niken,dibuat jadi qens..dsb!)

16. foto di friendster bisa nyampe 300 lebih padahal cuman foto DIRINYA SENDIRI

17. diam diam mengidolakan : kangen band,radja,ato bahkan GARNET BAND -_-

18. kalo udah nemu lawan jenis biasanya jadi lebay, ngerokok2, ngelawak jayus, bahkan terkadang dilanjutkan dengan poin nomer 2

19. tulisannya GedE-kEcIL norak

20. kemana-mana make boxer(biasanya gmbr ganja,biar di blg gaul),atasan sweater,ga lupa make topi gambar ganja jg biar d bilang petani ganja kali

21. naek motor pada blaga kebut2an ambil goyangin pantat biar dikira kayak pembalap. motorny gk pake spion,knalpot racing yg bkn kuping lo budek parah,gk lupa jg stiker ‘46′ (biar diblg valentino rossi ya). biasanya dilakukan dengan efek menggoyang2kan bokong

22. klo jalan kaki psti rame-rame, trus tangannya ga bisa diem, suka metikin daon d pohon ato metik buah orang.

23. tiap malem minggu suka sok mabok di pinggir jalan, pdhl cma minum anggur kolesom.

24. rambutnya pirang matahari.dan kayaknya bau deh

25. kalo cowok biasanya pake baju ketat, terkadang tanpa lengan yang tujuannya entah pamer otot atau bulu ketek. celana tanggung kotak2 dan sepatu yg diinjek belakangnya tanpa kaos kaki.

26. kalo cewek biasanya pake baju yg sok2 kebuka warna ngejreng yang menarik perhatian(mau muntah), kadang pake sepatu plastik transparan.

27. jika anda perhatikan aksesoris mereka, memakai kalung rantai yg biasa d pake anjing, gelang yg astaga bnyknya kayak dukun gypsi, dan kadang ada juga yang pake rantai dompet penghubung kemaluan dengan bokong mereka yang tujuannya entah untuk apa.

Ciri-ciri Alay:
1. nulis kata disingkat, seperti “lagi apa?” gi pha?? atau bosen banget jadi “bsen bgd nh”
2. memakai simbol tambahan. “p@ k@bar L0e??” atau “~hha..~ y nh.. lg bosen~”
3. menggunakan huruf Z dibelakang kata. “mlz bgtz!” atau “gurunya malezin yh”
4. comment orang dengan minta balasan kaya “repp iah!” / “blz dum” / “reply dsini iiaaa”
5. layoutnya yang super rame bahkan berfotmat gif (gerak) dengan warna ngejrenk pinkk fontnya yang anehlah

1. aboutme panjaaaang banget dengan gambar dari myspace yang gajelas pake isi gr-gr an kaya “aq tuh…. cntik…. lucu…. punya cowo ganteng…” zzz dan sebagainyalah lo tau kan
2. penggantian kata! gue / gw / gua = w, lo / lu = lw / loe. dong = dumzz / dwunhh
3. foto serba diediiiiit abis apalagi yang editnya emo emo pake tulisan gothic gitu
4. mediabox dipenuhin dengan gambarrrrrr

1. mamerin kebisaan dishotout, misalnya “eh w kan menang track motor lohh..” atau “eh w les nyetir dong..” dan yang lebih oon nya “eh w makin oke dan top ya tiap hari” (halah)
2. rusuhin comment foto. misalnya cuma dicomment “cantik deh/ganteng deh” balesnya “emg gw gnteng gtuu… y krna trlahir dh ganteng kli ya?? hha. dan kyanya……….blabalabla”
3. nickname digabung sama nama org yang disuka dengan cara gajelas. misalnya (kalo namanya sama maaf ya) “delita saiianks si luthuu..” atau “delita cinta dya” gitulah ya aezzz…
4. bikin album yang isinya artis favorit mereka. contoh “kangen band khuzuz loh!!” apalagi albumnya pake dikunci, yah capedeh!!

1. barang abal yang dipamerin ketemen terus dia ngaku beli di singapore. amrik . dan sbgainya. “eh liat nih gue beli gelang dijerman gituloh asli kalo ga salah sih dirupiahin 500 ribu ya.” padahal dia beli di itc aja!! yang 10 ribu 5 hahaha.
2. tulisan gede-kecil. “aLoW kLiAnZ hArUz ADd GwE YaH!!” atau dengan angggka “K4Ng3nZ dWEcChh” NNNNNZZZZZ
3. minta di add di shotout, “j9n lupa ett ghw”
4. gaya dengan bibir monyong, telunjuk nempel bibir, gaya tangan dengan oke dipinggir kepala dan foto dari atas
5.nge post bulbo cuma buat kasih tau dia lagi online & minta comment


Kamis, 17 Desember 2009


Alay adalah singkatan dari Anak layangan, Anak lebay, Anak Layu, atau Anak keLayapan yang menghubungkannya dengan anak JARPUL (Jarang Pulang). Tapi yang paling santer adalah anak layangan. Dominannya, istilah ini untuk menggambarkan anak yg sok keren, secara fashion, karya (musik) maupun kelakuan secara umum. Konon asal usulnya, alay diartikan “anak kampung”, karena anak kampung yang rata-rata berambut merah dan berkulit sawo gelap karena kebanyakan main layangan.

Koentjara Ningrat:
“Alay adalah gejala yang dialami pemuda-pemudi Indonesia, yang ingin diakui statusnya diantara teman-temannya. Gejala ini akan mengubah gaya tulisan, dan gaya berpakain, sekaligus meningkatkan kenarsisan, yang cukup mengganggu masyarakat dunia maya (baca: Pengguna internet sejati, kayak blogger dan kaskuser). Diharapkan Sifat ini segera hilang, jika tidak akan mengganggu masyarakat sekitar”

Selo Soemaridjan:
“Alay adalah perilaku remaja Indonesia, yang membuat dirinya merasa keren, cantik, hebat diantara yang lain. Hal ini bertentangan dengan sifat Rakyat Indonesia yang sopan, santun, dan ramah. Faktor yang menyebabkan bisa melalui media TV (sinetron), dan musisi dengan dandanan seperti itu.”

1. Suka banget pake tulisan atau teks yang GedE keCiL-gEdEkeciL

2. Sok bergaya Emo atau Harajuku tapi pas ditanya asalmulanya, gak tau sama sekali

3. Kalo sms atau ngirim komentar memakai bahasa aneh seperti, “aQuWh, maNi3eZz..”

4. Pokoknya gaya rambut si cowok persis kayak Kangen band (buset dah…)

5. Terlihat memakai postman bag berjenis kulit tapi ga jelas merk dan beli di distro yang mana…

6. Kurus kerempeng, suka memegang rambut dan bermuka bokat

7. Beraninya kalo bikin ulah pasti barengan dan gak berani kalo sendirian

8. Sok kaya, sok imut, sok cantik, sok keren, sok gaul, sok techno padahal waktu ditanya kode HTML aja gak bisa

9. Untuk lagu barat, mereka tidak tahu lagu barat yang sedang nge-tren dan mereka(orang alay) hanya tahu lagu barat dari jaman eighty dan ninety doank (parah gak sih?)
Yang paling parah memang anak-anak alay suka melebih-lebihkan serta kangen-band adalah pemicu gaya anak alay jaman sekarang…sifat- sifat alay itu sangatlah norak dan ga elit banget.

Alay itu orang kampung yang kampungan dengan dandanan kampungan, ngerti maksud saya? Tidak semua orang kampung itu kampungan, contohnya si doel, walaupun namanya berkesan alay tapi karakternya tidak alay. Nah orang kampung yang kampungan itu biasa disebut alay.
Apakah bukan orang kampung bisa disebut alay? Kita ambil contoh Vino G Bastian, menurut gw dia bukan orang kampung, tapi rambutnya berkesan alay dan sering dijadikan role model oleh alay namun karena perilaku dan mukanya yang tidak kampungan maka vino tidak termasuk alay..jadi.. Jawabannya bisa jadi, bukan orang kampung termasuk alay, namun kasus seperti ini teramat sangat jarang terjadi, karena rata-rata alay itu anak kampung.

Lalu apa itu kampungan?
Perilaku yang tidak mencerminkan dirinya sebagai manusia yang benar, setidaknya berbuat benar. Contohnya: tawuran antar kampung atau antar sma, nongkrong di halte bareng geng alaynya sambil godain cewek, bergerombol di stasiun, di mall jelek, di pasar sambil ngerokok terus bicara dengan nada yang tidak bisa disebut tinggi tapi lebih tepat cempreng sambil ngata2in temen se gengnya dan tentu saja sebagian masih menggoda cewek yang lewat, kalo di bioskop suka nyari perhatian dengan suara cemprengnya komentar gak jelas ketawa berlebihan dll

Apakah anak emo itu alay?
Tidak emo bukan alay. Emo adalah definisi yang berbeda dengan alay, namun alay kerap menggunakan dandanan style ala emo yg secara otomatis menjatuhkan pamor dari emo itu sendiri.

Perbedaan emo dengan alay gaya seperti apa?
Well, celana skinny dengan baju agak ketat warna item, make sepatu converse, gaya rambut lurus dan panjang di depan namun cepak di belakang. Namun acapkali alay mencoba menerapkan gaya tersebut, rambut yang seolah dipaksa2in, celana abal, baju abal, sepatu apa lagi, ditambah dengan ikat pinggang metal yang khas sekali, bisa dicari di pasar2 contohnya klender atau poncol.

Oke gayanya minta digampar emang
kebanyakan alay adalah supporter sepakbola yang fanatik atau berlebihan, sesuai dengan definisi kampungan dari seorang alay, yaitu tidak sportif kalo kalah, terus rusuh barang2 dirusakin, baru2 ini di bandung telah terjadi perusakan oleh alay saat pertandingan persib vs persija di ISL.

Selera musik?
Tidak jauh2 juga dari band2 yang terkadang berbusana layaknya alay seperti radja atau republik (vokalisnya gaya alay parah), dan band2 yang berirama melayu yang easy listening dan tidak perlu menggunakan musikalitas yang tinggi, contoh : kangen band, matta. Kalo ada konser didaerah beberapa alay berpotensi menimbulkan kerusuhan seperti saat band nidji atau ungu sedang manggung,, padahal yang maen ungu, klo seringai gitu masih mending lagu2nya menaikkan adrenaline, lah ini ungu dengan lagu cinta2an dan kemarin baru kolaborasi ama rossa.

Sabtu, 12 Desember 2009

Jejak-Jejak Kaki: behind the Foot Prints Story

Did you know the story behind the creation of the poem "FOOTPRINTS". The poem has touched the hearts of millions of people around the world. But not many people know who the author of the rhyme. Also not many people know what the background of the birth of the rhyme. Moreover not many people know that the poem titled "Impressions" (original: "Footprints") is actually the fruit of the pen on an evening date at the lake.

Author poem is Margaret Fishback, a Christian elementary school teacher for Indian children in Canada. Margaret is very short and small for the size of Canada. Her height is only 147 cm. She was slender and smooth face like a child. Therefore, although he has grown and has become the teacher he was often given a ticket for the kids when standing in front of the window or if a bus. Margaret was raised in a family atmosphere of warm and loving.

But there are some bitter events in his childhood memories. The first was his experience when he became a pupil of primary school classes. He has bad memories of his teacher. Margaret accented Germany because his father came from Germany. Then every time Margaret pronounce an English word with a German accent, her fingers immediately struck by his teacher with a wooden stick. Every day your fingers Margaret reddish bruises. "Do not talk with the German accent. Use the correct accent, if not ...! "

That threat and anger are heard Margaret every day. And she was really scared. "Every day I go to school haunted by fear. I wonder why I get yelled at. What did I do? What is wrong with people speaking German accent? Only later on I knew that at that time ongoing World War II, so that the Germans hated the U.S. and Canada, "said Margaret recalls his childhood.

Other memories to remember Margaret is about two female friends in his class. "I'm familiar with all my friends and they like to play with me, except for two female friends who happened to big.

The two friends often tease me. Luckily there was a male friend who always protect me. But one day a male friend did not go to school. Then the two friends are big girls were dropped me and sat on my stomach while tickling me. I'm out of breath. Luckily there was suddenly a pass, so I removed. I immediately ran scared until I fell and fainted.

For several days I was sick. But worse, for a few months I was terrified, "recalled Margaret. Also of his adult life Margaret had a frightening experience. On a bad day and the weather, when he was teaching in the classroom, suddenly opened the window and the lightning struck Margaret's body. He fell on the floor bouncing. After being treated in hospital, she still suffered from an incurable disease.
Nervous disorder, so he often quivered. It's not impossible that all the bad experiences helped paint the birth of the poem "Impression", which was authored by Margaret when she already has a fiancee named Paul. That day Margaret and Paul went to a camp north of Toronto to lead the retreat. Along the way, they passed a beautiful Echo Lake.
"Let's walk on the beach," says Margaret.

With their spirit shoes off and walk hand in hand on beach sand. When they returned and walked toward their car, they clearly recognize the two sets of footprints they dipasir beach. But in certain places water waves have removed one pair of tracks. "Hey Paul, look, lost my trail,"
exclaimed Margaret.
"Is that probably will happen in the dreams of our wedding? All of our ideals may be the wave of water swept away, "whispered Margaret.
"Do not think so," protested Paul.
"I even saw a beautiful symbol. After we married, which was originally two will
become one. Look at that, where our footprints there was a full two pairs. "
They walked on. "Paul, look, here my tracks gone again."
Paul looked at Margaret with a sharp, "Margie's our way of life preserved God. At the time that is difficult, when we ourselves can not walk, then God will lift us. Like this ... "
Then Paul lifted Margaret who was small and light it and twirling it.

That night they arrive at the retreat, Margaret who is the author's longtime pen and poured his experience had inspired the beach. Sentence by sentence flow. Dicoretnya a sentence, another reversal of the sentence. He thinks, writes, pensive, strike, writing another, more pensive, strike again ... as if dreaming, in his imagination he was walking with the Lord Jesus on the beach. When he walked back he saw two sets of footprints, one pair of his own tracks and one pair of trail Lord. But ... and so on. Margaret saw the bell. 3 o'clock in the morning!
Quickly completed his writings, and he slept.

The next day, so get up, he immediately re-reading his writings. Ah, no title. Margaret thought a moment and then put the title "I'm Dreaming". He changed some words and sentences. And so was born the poem we now know with the title "Impressions".

On that day in worship, the poem was read out Paul. Paul said, "... there are times where we feel as if God left us. Calamity befall us and our way of life so difficult. We ask why God does not help us. Actually God is helping us. God is lifted us. "Then Paul read a poem by Margaret:

One night I Dreamed a Dream. I was walking along the beach with my Lord.
Across the dark sky flashed scenes from my life.
For each scene, I noticed two sets of footprints in the sand, One belong to me and one to my Lord. When the last scene of my life shot before me, I looked back at the footprints in the sand.
There was only one set of footprints. I realized that this was the lowest and the saddest times of my life. This always bothered me and I questioned the Lord about my dilemma.
"Lord, You told me when I Decided to follow, You would walk and talk with me all the way.
But I'm aware that during the most Troublesome times of my life, There is only one set of footprints.
I just do not understand why, when I need You most, You leave me. "He whispered," My precious child, I love you and will never leave you never, ever, during your trials and testings.
When you saw only one set of footprints, It was then that I carried you. "

All the retreat participants sat there to hear it. They listened thoughtfully meanings contained the depth of the rhyme. Even now, each person lost in thought every time to read the rhyme. The poem invites us to trace the journey of our lives. In the journey of our feet and feet of Jesus alongside imprint. But at the moment in which tragedy happen and travel became difficult and dangerous, it seemed only the feet of God. Our feet are not visible, but God's feet with a clear imprint.

Where our feet? Our feet are not there, because at times like that we were picked up and carried God.
-------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------
Psalm 37
23: The LORD set of measures whose life pleasing to Him;
24: if he fell, not to lie, because the LORD sustains his hand.
25: Once I was young, now grown old, but never seen the righteous forsaken or his children begging bread;
26: every day he took pity and gave loans, and their offspring into a blessing.
27: Stay away from evil and do good, then you will remain forever;

Jumat, 11 Desember 2009

Reuni The Velvet Revolver

Para personel The Velvet Underground, Lou Reed Tucker dan Doug Yule mengadakan
reuni di New York pada hari selasa 8 Desember 2009 sekaligus memberika sesi
tanya jawab kepada pers.

Pembicaraan berlangsung di New York Library secara live, di salah satu wawancaranya
Reed memuji Tucker sebagai pemain drum terbaik yang pernah bermain bersamanya.

" Aku sudah pernah mencoba untuk mencari drummer yang bisa melakukan yang dia lakukan,
dan ternyata itu sangat - sangat sulit" kata Raid di Radio BBC dalam program 4's Today
Programme. "Jika kita bermain cepat, maka dia(Tucker) juga akan bermain cepat. Tidak
hanya menjadi drummer yang diam menahan beat musik agar rendah, lagu-lagu kami kadang
cepat kadang melambat di semua sisi".

Reed juga mengakui bahwa satu-satunya alasan mereka bisa terkenal awalnya saat mereka
merekrut Warhol yang akhirnya menjadi sang manajer bagi mereka.

"Warhol adalah orang terhebat yang pernah saya temui dalam hidup saya", kelakar Reed.
"Tanpa dia, [The Velvet Underground] kurang menggigit. Saat ada orang yang mengundang
kami untuk manggung, itu semua karena Warhol, mereka tidak mengenal kami, mereka mengira
Warhol adalah gitaris utama atau semacamnya".

Tur Dunia Muse di Amerika, Asia , Eropa, Australia

Setelah menyelesaikan konser along the West Coast selama musim liburan, Muse akan mempersiapkan tur dunia untuk album "The Resistance", termasuk di beberapa US arena show dengan menggandeng Silversun Pickups.

Muse akan mengisi musim liburan ini dengan konsernya yang dimulai pada 11 desember di Oakland, CA kemudian dilanjutkan tanggal 15 desember di seattle.
Setelah itu giliran Asia dan Australia yang dikunjungi Muse sebelum akhirnya kembali ke Amerika dan menyelesaikan beberapa shownya. 6 hari tour di Amerika bersama Silversun akan digelar di New York City(3/5), Boston(3/6), dan detroid (3/13) sebelum akhirnya akan berujung di Salt Lake City tanggal 5 April.

Album "The Resistance" milik muse pada bulan september nangkring di 11 chart musik di berbagai negara, termasuk Inggris dan Australia, juga di Amerika yang menduduki peringkat ke 3 di The Billboard 200.

"The Resistance" melanjutkan album - album sebelumnya, "Black Holes And Revelations" di tahun 2007 dan "Absolution" di tahun 2003. Muse juga sempat merilis "HAARP" di tahun 2008.

Awal tahun ini Muse sempat menggondol penghargaan di acara Shockwaves NME Awards yang diadakan di London. Mereka memenangi 2 nominasi yaitu Best Live Band dan Best Album Artwork untuk "HAARP". Sang pentolan dari Muse Matt Bellamy juga meraih penghargaan sebagai Pria Terseksi melawan Hayley Williams dari Paramore sebagai Wanita terseksi

Beautiful flowers in the Rift Pot

Our house was directly opposite the entrance of John Hopkins Hospital in Baltimore. We stayed bottom floor and rent the rooms upstairs in the patients to the clinic.

One summer evening, when I was preparing dinner, someone knocked on the door. When I opened, which I looked was a man with a face that was apparently bad. "Why, he is also almost just as tall as my 8-year-old," I thought as I watched the body bent and had all these wrinkles. But his face was terrible, so the next big side effect swollen, red and like raw meat., Hiiiihh ...!

But his voice was so gentle fun when he said, "Good night. I was here to see if you have a room for one night only. I came to treatment and arrived from the East coast, and there was no bus again until tomorrow morning. "He said it was trying to find a room since noon without success, no one seems to have a room.

"I think maybe because of my face .. I know it looks terrible, but my doctor says with a few more treatments ... "

For a moment I begin to doubt, but then the next words reassuring and reassured: "Oh, I can sleep in a rocking chair outside of here, on this side veranda. After all, my bus tomorrow morning to have gone. "I told him that we would find the bed for him, to rest on the porch.

I went into the finishing dinner. Once completed, I invited the old man, if he wanted to come eat. "Well, thank you, but I've got quite a lot of food." And he showed me a brown paper bag. Done with the dishes, I was out talking to him a few minutes. Did not take long to see that this old man has a heart too big for her body stuffed into this small.

He told me he caught fish to support her daughter, her five children, and his wife, who had helplessly forever paralyzed by injuries in the spinal cord. He told me it was not to gripe and complain; even real, every sentence is always preceded with thanksgiving to God for a blessing! He was grateful that there is no pain that accompanies the illness, which apparently is a kind of skin cancer. He thanked God that gave him the strength to go forward and survive.

Time for bed, we open the fabric folding camp bed for him dikamar children. The next morning when I woke up, sheets and blankets are neatly folded and the old man was in the veranda. He refused breakfast, but just before he left to take a bus, he paused, as if asking a great favor, he said, "Excuse me, can I come and stay here again next time when I had to go back treatment? I was not going to bother you one bit. Kok I can sleep well in the chair. "He paused and then added," Your children made me feel at home as at home. Adults seemed bothered by my face look bad, but kids do not seem bothered. "

I say please come back any time. When he came back, he arrived in the morning a little after seven o'clock. As a gift, he brought a large fish and a quart of the largest oyster shells I've ever seen. He said, the morning before he left, he skinned it to stay nice and fresh. I know the bus leaves at 4:00 in the morning, what time whether he had to get up to do all this for us. For several years he came and stayed with us, though he never came without bringing us fish or oysters or shellfish vegetables from her garden. Several times we received the shipment in the mail, always by special delivery, fish and oysters wrapped in a box full of spinach leaves or some kind of cabbage, washed clean every strand. Knowing that he had to walk about 5 km to deliver all that, and realized how little income, posts he became more valuable ...

When I received a gift that, often I thought of our neighbors commented on the day he came home when she first arrived. "Ehhh, you thank him overnight, yes, those wonderful disgusting ugly face that? Last night he refused. Oops, damn .., we're going to lose customers if you accept a man like so! "Oh yes, indeed we may lose one or two guests. But if they had known him, perhaps their illnesses would be so much easier to bear. I know our family will always be grateful, and could have known him; from him we learned what it means to accept the bad without complaint, and the good with gratitude to God.

Recently I visited a friend who has a greenhouse. When he showed the plant flowers, we arrived at a chrysanthemum [timum] the most beautiful of all, full of lush flowers covered with golden yellow. But I was amazed, seeing it embedded in an old bucket, a rusty dented too. In my heart I said, "If these plants, will certainly have the most beautiful plant in the pot I have."

But my friend change the way I thought. "Ahh, I'm short the pot at the time," he tried to explain, "and knew it would be lovely, I think does not matter as I use this junk bucket. It's just for a little while, until I planted the garden. "

He must have surprised myself to see I was laughing so excited, but I imagine events and scenarios like that in heaven. "Huh, it's wonderful that good," maybe that's the word of God when He came to the soul of an old fisherman's nice. "He certainly would not mind starting first in this little body." All this happened a long time, then and now, in garden of God, how high should have a good foundation of this sweet soul.

"Not that views human beings who see God; man sees what the eye before, but God sees the heart." (1 Samuel 16:7 b)

Is a very special friend. They make you smile and encourage you to be successful. They lend an ear and share a word of praise. Show your friends how much you care about .. Make someone smile today.

"Your failure is not a reason for GOD to stop loving you"